How to add keywords to Amazon listing?

Adding keywords to your Amazon listing is a very important step in the Amazon product listing optimization process.

There are four areas to focus on when adding Amazon keywords to a product listing for optimization.

  • Product Name / Product Title
  • Product Key Features
  • Product Description
  • Amazon Backend Keywords - Keyword Search Terms

In each of these areas - it is important to include relevant keywords, however the most searched Amazon keywords (most popular keywords) should be used in the Product Title first, then the Product Key Features second, then the Product Description third, and then finally the Keyword Search Terms.

Given Amazon's A9 search algorithm only indexes unique words, there is no search benefit in re-using words in the title, description, key features, and the search terms in the backend.

That is not to say, that you should not re-use these words.

But rather, if you have already included a given keyword in the title, there is no SEO value for adding that keyword again to the description, key features, or search terms.

Keep on reading as we cover each area and how to optimize your amazon listing.

Product Name / Product Title

Amazon Product Listing Product Name

The product name for an Amazon product listing is often referred to as the product title because the text provided for the product name will be displayed as the product title on an Amazon's product listing webpage and in the Amazon search results.

The product title is the most important text that you can use for adding relevant Amazon keywords.

The product name text input - is 200 characters of prime real estate for keywords.

Place the most relevant and most popular keywords at the beginning of the product title.

Use all 200 characters to optimize your product title - include as many unique Amazon keywords as possible.

Here are the product title guidelines from Amazon.

Amazon Style Guide Product Title

A great product title with the most relevant keywords can help improve Click Through Rates (CTR) and increase sales revenue.

How to Write an Optimized Product Title

Product Key Features

Amazon Product Listing Product Key Features

The Product Key Features for an Amazon product listing are comprised of five text inputs.

Each of these five text inputs should be used to describe a product's key features and benefits using any keywords not already included in the product title.

Remember, each key feature should not only describe the product details, but it should also be written to help influence the customer purchase decision.

Customers use the key feature bullet points to get an overview of the product and it could determine if the customer decides to make a purchase or continue down the product listing to read the full product description.

It is highly recommended to follow the product key features guidelines provided by Amazon.

Amazon Style Guide Product Key Features

Once again, include as many relevant Amazon keyword in each product key feature text field.

Product Description

Amazon Product Listing Product Description

The product description area is where you get to tell the customer everything about your product.

And another great spot to use Amazon keywords liberally.

This is an important section to encourage customers that your product is the one they want to buy.

Amazon Style Guide Product Description

Amazon provides 2,000 characters for this section, so there is plenty of space, but don't waste it.

Remember there is no need to repeat any keywords already included in the product title or product key features.

Amazon Backend Keywords - Keyword Search Terms

Amazon Product Listing Keyword Search Terms

The Search Terms text input on the Keywords section of the product listing backend editor can be used to add additional keywords not already used in the title, key features, and description.

The text entered should only include unique words with spaces and no commas.

The search terms field has less than 250 bytes of available space.

Not much space, but it does provide one last opportunity to include the more keywords.

No need to worry about how readable the text is, since the search terms text is not displayed anywhere publicly on the product listing web page.

Finally, use our Amazon keyword search tool to find thousands of relevant Amazon keywords to add to each area of your Amazon product listing.

Amazon SEO - How To Guides

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